People and Behavior at Center of Reputation Trends for 2021
For many years, I’ve “fan-girled” Leslie Gaines-Ross as the guru of CEO reputation. She has led the charge in the study of CEO (and leader) behavior, actions, decisioning, visibility, communication on the reputation, market value and health of an organization. It’s her research that has framed my belief and passion for connecting the dots between an individual’s personal brand or leader reputation, and the health of a corporate brand.
Leslie shared a story called “Reputation Trends for 2021: Unforgettable.” And what struck me was that 7 of her 9 trend predictions were centered in people:
The Accountable Corporation (how consumers are holding corporations and leaders accountable for actions)
Politicized Employees (the permission for employees to freely share political beliefs and company response)
Reset on Seniors (and the value of experienced leaders)
Diversity at the Top (walking the talk with diversity in leadership and the changes / decisions it brings)
Burnished Image of the Essential Worker (finally, recognizing the criticality of those people who work on the frontline serving customers and consumers)
The Remote CEO (and how they engage, show-up, present and create confidence among stakeholders and build winning culture)
Rise of the Healthcare Stakeholder (with healthcare being at the center of our current reality, new stakeholders have emerged that we need to consider)
Article is worth read - even though it says 14 trends and there’s only 9. (14) Reputation Trends for 2021: Unforgettable | LinkedIn